Dave Cottrell

Showcase your Photos in the Top 2 Places to get Great Exposure

Showcase your Photos

Showcase your Photos in the Top 2 Places to get you Great Exposure

Showcase your photos to get the recognition they deserve.  But don’t just throw up a website or rely on Facebook or Instagram to get seen.  The best places to showcase your photos is on photo sharing sites.  Today we’re going to look at the top 2.  They are Flickr and Youpic.

Both Flickr and Youpic have their own pros and cons, but mostly pros.  A lot of people visit these sites, making them a really good place to showcase your photos.  Each one has its own real advantages, so it makes sense to use them both.

I’ve personally used Flickr for years, and have a pro account.  Flickr is really easy to use, and is by far the larger of the two communities.

You can join Flickr for free, and for many, that’s just what they do.  But the real beauty of Flickr, apart from being a fantastic place to showcase your photos, is that if you take out a pro membership, which is very inexpensive, you can let their system automatically upload ever photo on your device, no matter what it is. It can also be set up to automatically download every photo you take with your phone or that you put on your computer.

Youpic also has two levels of paid membership, with many advantages. But where Youpic really stands out for me, giving it a slight edge over Flickr, it the amount of exposure I get for every photo I upload.  

I have been experimenting with Youpic, which I joined long after Flickr, by keeping a free membership that only allows the upload of one photo per day. By doing it this way, I can easily track the amount of exposure each photo gets.  It is pretty impressive, with close to 500 views within 24 hours with every photo I upload.

For premium and pro members, Youpic also works to showcase your photos to collectors from time to time, making it a tremendous place to showcase your work for sale.

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