A Change of Environment Changed My Health Dramatically in 2022

A change of environment comes with real winter!

How A Change of Environment Changed My Health Dramatically in 2022

A change of environment seems to have made a really huge improvement to my health in 2022.

A Change of Environment
Our new home on the arctic divide

As you know if you’ve been following my blogs here and on The Lyme Files and LymeClinics.com, you know I’ve been fighting Lyme Disease since 2007.

Lyme Disease

It’s now known that Lyme Disease, which is transmitted most commonly by deer ticks, is often quite simple to treat and cure with antibiotics, as long as it is hit hard and early. What is still not fully recognized by the entire health profession is the reality of something called Long Term Lyme Disease (LTLD), which is thought to be the unfortunate consequence of not diagnosing and treating the disease early enough or properly.


Many doctors still deny that there is such a thing as LTLD and some will even angrily defend their position. But the science is NOT on their side. This is very sad for those of us who have it as it is very difficult to get treatment. Numerous doctors who do treat the disease have had their licenses threatened an some have lost their licenses. No one can truly explain why this is going on.


I was one of the “lucky” ones who found a “Lyme Literate Medical Practitioner (LLMD)” who was able to confirm my diagnosis (I was originally diagnosed by a retired medical expert, a doctor who had successfully treated many cases). My new doctor began treating me when I was so sick I could hardly get out of bed.

While I was soon back on my feet, it took years of treatment to finally reach a point where I no longer needed antibiotics and I was still not very well. I was back to being pretty active, but still suffering from pain and serious fatigue.

Indoor Environment

As mentioned in a previous post, I began to think about environmental factors more in 2019. I was already aware of the risks of indoor pollution like mould and other indoor air pollutants

In fact, if you do suffer from any kind of mysterious chronic illness, you should look at the indoor air quality of your home and work space. I’ve known a surprising number of people over the years who found out their home was what was making them sick, and after fixing their home, found themselves improving dramatically.

I did not find any major problems in my home, although due to the constantly moist west coast environment, we always had to watch for any signs of mould and deal with it quickly.

A Big Change

A change of environment meant a move to Dease Lake
Dease Lake in summer

But then in 2019 we went to Dease Lake, BC, for about a week. We had been to many locations prior to that that included higher elevations, much drier country including multiple extended stays in desert country, but I never noticed any change to my health.

But when we went to Dease Lake, my health improved dramatically. Virtually all the pain and fatigue disappeared. Why?

Air Pollution

After doing a lot of looking, including looking at prevailing winds from Asia, we came to the conclusion that the one difference in Dease Lake compared to everywhere else we have been is an almost total absence of air pollution.

We had been considering it for a long time, even prior to 2019, but we finally did move to Dease Lake in 2022. My health improved dramatically almost immediately. Within a few weeks I was off all my pain medication and have never missed it.

What happened? I am convinced it was a change of environment. My body was overwhelmed already by fighting this chronic illness. The environmental pollutants of the lower mainland which can even be seen from the air (the air looks brown from a plane or mountain top) were not allowing my body to heal. Not only was I having to deal with the chronic illness, but my body was also trying to deal with the toxicity of the very air I was breathing!

Is this the Cure?

Am I fully finished with LTLD? Probably not. I probably never will be entirely. It has likely done permanent damage. But being in a much cleaner environment has brought a dramatic improvement.

I am not a medical practitioner, nor do I claim to offer any health advice to anyone. But I would suggest it can’t hurt you, if you’re struggling with your own health, to have a look at your indoor air quality first off. But don’t stop there. Perhaps the air where you live just isn’t what your body is asking for!

I’m thankful to feel so much better after all these years. For me, a change of environment seems to be the change I needed. If you’re suffering a chronic illness, I think it’s definitely worth looking into.

What is your experience? Has anything like this happened to you? Please tell us about it in the comments.  And be sure to leave us your link!

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