Photography – random as it gets!
Photography is an absolute passion of mine. I’ve taken an untold number of photos over the years. The cameras I have used include 620 and 120 format box cameras (fabulous for landscapes), 126 cassette cameras (sticky in cold weather and never more than utiliarian, folding cameras in various formats, 35mm SLR (single lens reflex), digital point-and-shoot cameras, digital phones and of course, my various Canon DSLR cameras, which I really love to shoot with.
My main DSLR is a Canon 5D. It is heavy, compared to modern mirrorless Canons. I prefer a heavy camera. It sits steadier in my hands than a light camera, which is important for some of the lighting conditions I find myself in.
Furthermore, my 5D is a tank that will withstand a lot of banging, and, worse case scenario, if it gets destroyed it won’t break the bank (as long as I get the memory card!!). An added bonus is its resistance to inclement weather.
I own a Canon 60D, which is a pretty sweet camera. It doesn’t have the colour depth of the 5D, but it has a few more features. Its resolution is higher; it has a greater ISO range; its burst rate is a bit higher, and its screen articulates.
Wherever I go, I record the moments, scenes and people. Some scenes require many quality shots to properly record, due to the changes that occur with the light. I really enjoy shooting early in the day or as the sun is going down. With a DSLR, it’s possible to play around with the settings to get some really interesting shots, even when it’s almost dark, and even when there is bright light and deep shadows where I want to see everything in the photo, just as I see it with my eyes.
I’m trying various plugins for the galleries. It’s a work in progress. What are you using? Please share your comments, hints and successes, below!